Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services
Accreditations & Memberships
providing quality solutions
At Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services , we are committed to providing quality solutions to our clients.
Our commitment to integrity, fairness and responsibility ensures that we operate in a responsible manner while conforming to international and local laws.
As an Iraqi security provider conforming to international standards, Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services have been externally audited to achieve the following accreditations.

Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services hold approved training centre status with Highfield and employee RoSPA qualified driving instructors to deliver internationally recognised training qualifications.

Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services are committed to human safety and security while conforming to international law, local laws and respecting human rights. To demonstrate our commitment, we have achieved certified member status with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)